-File compression tool

Every tool you need to use compression is at your fingertips. All 100% free and easy to use! Compress PDF, PNG, JPG, GIF, SVG, CSS, JS, JSON, RAR, ZIP, TAR.GZ, TAR.BZ2, 7Z and other files in just a few clicks.

We have compressed 2,007,086,743 files, total size 4,558,109 GB

100% free!



    Drag and drop files here or Select a document...

    Drag and drop files here. Maximum file size is 100MB.

    Click the Start Compression button and it will be completed automatically after a few seconds.


    Compress and download all files to ZIP

    get itDownload zip file (.ZIP)
    Don't forget to download your files. They will be automatically discarded after 60 minutes.

    How to use online compression tools

    How to use online compression tools

    Free online file compression tool - , File compression tool Every tool you need to use compression is at your fingertips. All 100% free and easy to use! Compress PDF, PNG, JPG, GIF, SVG, CSS, JS, JSON, RAR, ZIP, TAR.GZ, TAR.BZ2, 7Z and other files in just a few clicks.

    Quick and easy

    Quick and easy

    After selecting the file you want to compress, it will automatically complete the upload, set the compression options or output format you see on that page. Click the Start Compression button and let us do the rest. It will automatically complete the file pressing function you want.

    Your files are safe!

    Your files are safe!

    All files you upload will be automatically deleted after 24 hours. We do not back up your files. Since our service is automated, your files are not manually monitored by anyone.

    Custom settings

    Custom settings

    Select the compression option or output format, such as Extreme Compression, Recommended Compression, Less Compression. Compress files to RAR, compress files to ZIP, compress files to TAR.GZ, compress files to TAR.BZ2, compress files to 7Z.

    In the clouds

    In the clouds

    All conversions take place in the cloud and don't consume any capacity on your computer.

    Support all devices

    Support all devices

    The online compressor is browser-based and works on all platforms. No need to download and install any software.