Compress files to Z7 converter online - File compression tool

Create 7Z file tool to compress files into 7Z files online for free. Our services are provided online and are free of charge.

We have compressed ---,---,--- files, total size 4,552,389 GB

100% free!



    Drag and drop files here or Select compressed file...

    Drag and drop files here. Maximum file size is 100MB.

    Click the Start Compression button and it will be completed automatically after a few seconds.


    Compress and download all files to ZIP

    get itDownload zip file (.ZIP)
    Don't forget to download your files. They will be automatically discarded after 60 minutes.

    Best Z7 Compressor Online

    How to use the Z7 compressor online, what do I do?

    Here are the advantages of online 7Z compressor tools:

    1: Free to use, multiple 7Zs are compressed simultaneously, and there is no file size limit.
    2: Simple and easy to use, just upload the 7Z file and wait a few seconds for the compression to complete.
    3: Preserve the quality and format of the original file.
    4: Suitable for various situations such as sending emails, sharing or storing 7Z files.

    How to compress files into 7Z?

    To compress a file into 7Z, follow these steps:

    1: Upload or drag and drop your files onto this page.
    2: Choose the compression format that best suits your needs.
    3: Click the Start Compression button and 7Z compression will be completed automatically in a few seconds.
    4: Click Download to save the compressed 7Z.

    Some common 7Z compression problems

    Q:Can I use this 7Z compression tool for free?

    A:Yes! 100% free, including all our file compression tools, are free to use.

    Q:Will 7Z Compressor protect my privacy?

    A:Yes. We take the privacy of our user files very seriously. The system will automatically delete it within 1 hour. There will be no backups and no files will be made public. You can also delete files yourself.

    Q:Do I need a paid account to compress files?

    A:There is absolutely no need to register as it is completely free.

    Q:Is 7Z compression tool safe to use?

    A:At Online-Compressor.Com we are committed to safety and security. We comply with GDPR, undergo annual audits for ISO/IEC certification, and employ advanced TLS encryption, which means your data, personal information and documents are safe with us. Additionally, every time you perform a task, such as compressing files, the entire process is fully encrypted for complete security.

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